Meet The Team

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, Meet The Team, Montgomery Financial

Charles Breen

Founder & Director

Something people don’t know about me…

I enjoy carpentry in my spare time, with my greatest project being a full sized carved rocking horse.

My Superpower is…

Being calm under pressure.  

I love my job because…

I get to help and educate people every day, to give them the knowledge to empower them to take ownership of their financial future and build lifelong financial resilience for them and their families.

In a parallel universe, I am…

Iron Man, mostly because he is my son Monty’s favourite super hero and like all dads we want to be our children’s hero’s

, Meet The Team, Montgomery Financial

Amanda Jaggard

Client completions manager

Something people don’t know about me… 

My secret plan is to retire somewhere close to the sea and mountains and I’ll have a little cottage with an open fire and a rose garden.

My Superpower is…

Staying calm in a crisis.

I love my job because…

I have a variety of tasks and responsibilities that keep me on my toes.

In a parallel universe, I am…

A centaur according to a quiz I did.

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